Cleaning activities sponsored by Omura City
Corporate social responsibility
The Valqua Group considers CSR to be the practice of the corporate philosophy "THE VALQUA WAY" and the corporate activities themselves.
In addition, under the three CSR stands for "Collaboration with Stakeholders (C)", "First-class Quality (S)" and "Rules Top Priority (R)", various social issues that are diversifying year by year are being addressed. We are engaged in more practical activities to solve the problem.
As a member of the global citizens, the Valqua Group works to solve social issues through corporate activities, and contributes to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and a sustainable society. We will continue to.
We focus on those three things to work for our employees.
What is ”Lively and Shining"?
It's about making our workplace safe, energetic, healthy and shining forever.
What is "rewarding to work"?
It is to create a workplace that is open and considerate, and where both work and private life can be fulfilled.
What does "continue to grow" mean?
It means that creating a workplace where you and the company can step up forever.
Currently, the realization of a "Sustainable" society is what people around the world are beginning to work on as a common goal. "Sustainable society" means society which is sustainable, and various efforts are being made in order to achieve that all over the world. Recognizing that our business is the recycling of irreplaceable global resources, we are extremely pleased and our mission to contribute to the reduction of environmental load in the industry where cutting-edge technology such as semiconductors is required. We will continue to contribute to the creation of a prosperous city and a sustainable society through the recycling of silicon wafers.
VALQUA FFT INC. recognizes that "passing on the irreplaceable global environment to the next generation in a healthy condition is the basic responsibility of existing human beings," and is our main business, "Reclaimng silicon wafers." Recognizing that "business" can contribute to reducing the environmental burden in the semiconductor industry, we will promote business development and efficient activities.
We recognize that compliance with environmental laws and ordinances and agreements with customers that we have agreed to is our basic responsibility, and we will act accordingly.
We will set specific activity policies that take into consideration environmental policies, management policies, external and internal issues, and work on continuous improvement and pollution prevention.
The environmental policy will be made known to all employees through education and notices, and will be widely disclosed outside the company.
Valqua FFT Co., Ltd. President and CEO Shogo Watanabe
A solar power generation system is installed on the roof of our Nagasaki factory. Our company, whose main business is the recycling of global resources, is engaged in activities that lead to the reduction of environmental burden even in this way. The generation of greenhouse gases is reduced by supplying part of the factory power with a solar power generation system.
A solar power generation system is installed on the roof of our Nagasaki factory. Our company, whose main business is the recycling of global resources, is engaged in activities that lead to the reduction of environmental burden even in this way. The generation of greenhouse gases is reduced by supplying part of the factory power with a solar power generation system.
The outline of the eco-cap activity is that the removed PET bottle cap itself is taken over by a recycler as a high-quality material, and the profit from the sale is used to purchase a vaccine and save the lives of children around the world.
At Valqua FFT, we carry out eco-cap activities at all of our bases as part of our easy-to-use recycling activities for global resources. Global resource recycling activities, in which all employees can directly participate as an extension of the company's business, are useful in developing countries.
We are actively engaged in cleaning activities such as the industrial complex where the Nagasaki Factory is located and the municipal park.
As a company-wide company, we pay attention to the environment around us and always try to be aware of the environment.
Cleaning activities sponsored by Omura City
Volunteer participation in the summer festival
Cleaning activities on surrounding roads